Never Buy Store-Bought Chips Again!

This 15-minute homemade tortilla chips recipe is life-changing and easy to make.

Gather Ingredients You'll need just three basics: tortillas, oil, and salt. Ready for some crunchy magic?

Brush tortillas with oil on both sides. Stack them and cut into triangles with a sharp knife.

Prep Tortillas

Lay the triangles in a single layer on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and bake at 350°F for 12 minutes, flipping once.

Baked Version

For fried chips, heat oil to 350°F. Fry the tortilla triangles in batches until golden and crisp. Drain on paper towels.

Fried Version

Sprinkle freshly baked or fried chips with sea salt, chili powder, or any spices you prefer for added flavor.

Season Chips

Let the chips cool completely, then store in an airtight container for up to a week.

Cool and Store

Serve with your favorite salsa, guacamole, or dip. Try chipotle sauce, pico de gallo, or hummus!

Perfect Pairings

Enjoy your crispy, homemade chips anytime. They're so good, you'll never go back to store-bought!


SWIPE UP TO SEE:  Never Buy Store-Bought Chips Again! This 15-Minute Recipe is LIFE-CHANGING!